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Information can be gathered from many ways. Knowing information is not knowledge. The first step is to listen, and then be quite attentive, preserve it, put into practice, and spread it. Every student has a different mindset and different compelling in taking the subject.
In this weblogic tutorial for beginners, you will learn the basic concepts behind building web services with WebLogic. You will create a web service that receives a name returns a greeting. Specifically, you will learn how to build a synchronous method that will receive the name and return the greeting. How to build an asynchronous, buffered method that receive the name and invoke buffered callback method to return a greeting.
What is a Web Service?
A web service is a set of functions packaged into single entity that is available to other systems on network. The network can be a corporate intranet or the Internet. Other systems can call these functions to request data or perform an operation. Because they rely on basic, standard technologies which most systems provide, they are excellent means for connecting distributed systems together.
Web services are built on standard technologies such as HTTP and XML. All web service messages are exchanged using a standard XML−messaging protocol known as SOAP in the WSDL standard. These standards are all completely agnostic of the platform on which the web services were built. In short, the following standards are used:
A Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file describes web service is operated; other software applications can interface with web service. Think of a WSDL file as instruction manual for web service explaining how a user can draw on the resources.
- XML.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) messages provide common language by which different applications can talk to one another over a network. To operate a web service a user sends XML message containing a request for web service to perform some operation. In response the web service sends back another XML message containing the results of the operation.
Typically XML messages are formatted according to SOAP syntax. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) specifies a standard format for other's methods and pass data to one another. Note that other non−SOAP forms of XML messages are possible, depending on the specific requirements of the web service. The type of XML message and the specific syntax required is given in the web service's WSDL file.
To make web services accessible to other applications across networks, web services receive requests. Send responses using widely used protocols such as HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Java Message Service (JMS).
Many business processes take more than a few moments to complete; it could take a few minutes, even longer, or sometimes response time is variable and hard to predict. This is a problem for a synchronous relationship, in which a client invokes a method of the web service and is blocked from continuing its own processes until it receives the return value from the web service. In WebLogic Workshop you can use asynchrony to overcome this problem. In asynchronous communication, the client communicates with the web service in such a way that it is not forced to halt its processes while the web service produces a response. In particular, the client invokes a method of the web service that immediately returns a simple acknowledgement to the client, thereby allowing the client to continue its own processes. When the web service has produced a response, it sends a callback method to the client containing that response. Asynchronous web services use conversations to correlate messages and manage state between message exchanges. This will ensure that the web service sends its response back to the correct client.
When a conversational web service's request method is called by multiple clients at the same time, a client might have to wait until its call, however short, has been processed by the web service. In addition, when a web service has completed processing multiple requests and needs to send multiple callback messages, it must wait for a message to be processed by the client before it can send the next callback. For a conversational web service, and especially for a web service receiving high−volume traffic, it is recommended to always add buffers to the web service's methods and callbacks. When clients call a buffered method, the call is stored in a buffer and the client does not have to wait for the web service to handle the call. When a web service sends a callback, the message is stored in a buffer and the web service does not have to wait until the client processes the callback.
Weblogic tutorial for beginners
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Going in to weblogic is alone not enough, having knowledge on its administration makes you a better web logic programmer. Weblogic administration is the centre point from which you configure and manage all resource. Not getting it? Don’t worry, we provide you course based tutorials which plays a significant role in learning weblogic administration. The whole course can be learned online through tutorials found at my blog and with the help of our tutors. Our tutors give you classes through online on weblogic. We make you gain confidence and will teach it in an easy way.
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